Crime Prevention

Sheriff Wells believes crime prevention is absolutely necessary and intrinsic to the reduction of crime in Manatee County. Therefore, the Crime Prevention Unit is available to provide prevention training.  This training is free. 

All Manatee County Sheriff's Office Crime Prevention Deputies are required to achieve the designation of "Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner" by completing core courses offered through the Florida Attorney General's Crime Prevention Training Institute (FCPTI). They must also achieve and maintain current Instructor Certification status. Deputies in the unit are active members of the Florida Crime Prevention Association (FCPA),  and Suncoast Crime Prevention Association (SCPA)

The following topics are available for training:

Training for Adults

  • Neighborhood Watch Program: is provided to train citizens how to watch out for each other and better protect their property and neighborhoods.
  • Marine Crime Watch: This program is one of the most comprehensive programs in print today concerning boat equipment security. It answers the most commonly asked questions from boat owners
  • Home Security and Theft Prevention addresses ways to "harden" your home against burglary and to help in property recovery in the event you are burglarized.
  • Identity Theft Prevention addresses how personal information is obtained on people, how the criminal uses your information and what citizens can do to prevent or less liken their chances of becoming a victim.
  • Cons & Fraud: Manatee County crime prevention specialist will explore the current crimes relating to fraud and scams, and will teach you how to keep from becoming a victim. 
  • Personal Safety: This program on personal protection is very important. It is designed to help you maximize your safety. It contains information on how to protect yourself, be "Street Wise", be safe at home and rape prevention.
  • Auto Theft Prevention: Receive special education about the various ways you can protect your automobiles from being broken into and stolen.
  • Combat Auto Theft (C.A.T.): is a voluntary program where motor vehicle owners agree to allow law enforcement officers to stop and/or detain their vehicle and occupants for the purpose of determining if the vehicle is stolen. The law enforcement officer can stop the vehicle only when it is driven between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5 a.m.
  • CPTED stands for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. It involves physical changes to a specific target area that makes it less vulnerable to criminal activity. This program will show that proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the incidence and fear of crime and an increase in the quality of life

Training for Businesses

  • Robbery Prevention and Business Security Inspection: addresses the actions businesses can take to make themselves less of a target for robbers as well as actions to take during and after a robbery that may save lives. A law enforcement professional will review the basic security currently in place at your business and you will receive information on the steps you can take to improve security.
  • Credit Card Fraud training: assists employees how to recognize imposter credit cards and the appropriate actions to take upon discovering these types of articles.
  • Business Trespass Enforcement Program: The Business Trespass Enforcement Program is designed to provide business owners and the Manatee County Sheriff's Office with a tool to identify and eliminate criminal activity. The program takes effect after normal business hours in the physical absence of the property owner or lessee. This program allows duly authorized deputies to act as agents of the business owner and challenge individuals who appear to have no legal right on the property. The objective of the program is to deter burglary, vandalism, trespassing and other offenses by reducing opportunity for such crimes.
  • identify weaknesses: in your security and to make security improvement suggestions.
  • Workplace Violence: Manatee County Deputies can help your management staff explore various ways to resolve conflicts in the workplace.